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Home » Power » Pertamina begins delivering gas to PLN’s Tanjung Batu gas power plant

Pertamina begins delivering gas to PLN’s Tanjung Batu gas power plant

JAKARTA ( – PT Pertamina EP through unit ASSET 5 (PEP Asset 5) has officially begun delivering gas to gas power plant (PLTGU) Tanjung Batu, East Kutai which is managed by the state electricity company PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN).

The gas is transferred through an 8-inches pipeline with a length of 33 kilometres and 6-inches pipe with a length of 6.8 km.

The gas from taken from Pertamina’s NKL-1028 well, managed and developed by another Pertamina subsidiary Pertamina EP Sanga-Sanga, said VP Oil and Gas Monetization (OGM) PT Pertamina EP Tata M. Tafip.

Under the agreement, PEP Asset 5 delivers 5 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD) of gas to the power plant, with daily minimum gas delivery of 3.5 MMSCFD.

The gas delivery contract will last for five years, from December 2018 until Dec. 31, 2023.

The gas will be used by PLN’s gas power plant to power its 20 MW gas power plant and serve at least 20,000 households.

PLTGU Tanjung Batu will comprise of 3 gas turbines, with a capacity of 53 MW each, or with a total of 295.20 MW, once all the three units will be fully operational. Two turbines will be powered by gas, and one will use steam from the two turbines.

Sanga-Sanga Field Manager Azis Rochmanudin said his side is now undertaking technical preparations, such as installing flow-line that will connect NKL-1028 well with PLTGU Tanjung Batu, modify piping system at NKL Gas and Binangat gas plants.

Pertamina EP Asset 5 covers East Kalimantan (Sanga-Sanga, Sangatta), North Kalimantan (Tarakan and Bunyu), Central and South Kalimantan (Tanjung).

Spokesperson of SKK MIgas for Kalimantan and Sulawesi Damar Setyawan and PLN Manager for Mahakam Sector Untung Budi also attended the inaugural ceremony on Monday (Jan. 14). (*)

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