JAKARTA (RAMBUENERGY.com) – PT Saka Indonesia Pangkah Limited and PT Saka Indonesia Sesulu, subsidiaries of gas distributor PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (IDX:PGAS) has launched prequalification process (PQ) for provision of onew crew boat and one AHTS to support the two companies offshore operations.
It said the crew boat will be used to support its South Sesulu block operation, which is located in offshore East Kalimantan, while AHTS vessel will be used to support both South Sesulu and Pangkah operations.
Pangkah block is located in offshore East Java.
The pre-qualificaiton documents are available on Oct 11-14 at Saka Indonesia Pangkah Limited, the Energy building 11th Floor, SCBD Lot 11A, Jln Jenderal Sudirman.
Saka holds a 100 percent interest and operatorship of Pangkah PSC and South Sesulu PSC.
The 784 sq. km block of Pangkah PSC is located in the eastern part of the Java Sea. Its water depth ranges from a few feet to 200 feet.
The 625 sq. km block of South Sesulu PSC is located offshore East Kalimantan in 30-80 m water depth and holds the recent SIS-A#1 gas discovery.
Assalamulaiakum wr.wb jika sekiranya diperusahaan bapak/ibu ada yg kosong atau sedang membutuhkan cruw untuk posisi oiler,besar harapan sy agar sekiranya bapak/ibu sudih mempertimbangkan lamaran sy ini …atas perhatian bapak/ibu sy hanturkan bayak trimakasih..